Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can you participate in testing in the Eldis-Socio project?

In our project, we test elderly and disabled people in social facilities, or in institutional care., actively reaching out to Social Care Homes,  Free Tíme Centers, Community Centers and other facilities where the elderly or the disabled are taken care of.  We provide them with iPads and our app for testing, one iPad should be for about 10-15 clients.  

If you are interested in including your device in the testing, contact us by email or by phone:, 0911 160 223. 

2. How long do we provide iPads for?

Since regular monitoring of the tested is important in our project, ideally repeating them every 2-3 months, we would leave the iPad with  you indefinitely.  

By taking the iPad, you commit to testing at least 5 people per week in the active phase of the project, which lasts until the end of 2024. If  this commitment is not kept, the iPad might be taken away from you. 

3. How does the initial testing phase work?

After our agreement, the iPad will be delivered to you, with a proper explanation of use and a trial testing with you. You can find a  detailed instruction video on our website to make sure you understand the procedure correctly.  

Certainly, we are here for you if you need help. You will receive a contact of our colleague whom you can call in case of questions or  problems. 

4. What is the testing process and its evaluation?

On the iPad, you can find the application with 45 games and 5 videos. During the time when the tested person is working on individual  games, we collect data onto our platform (personal data protection below): the photos of his facial expressions, reaction time, the number  of incorrect repetitions, and the circadian time is ,too.  

We do not collect data when watching the videos. It is recommended that you make notes in the record of the tested person, e.g. about  his ability to move his limbs, head, shoulders, etc. You can compare these with the records in the future and thus get an overview of the  state of the tested. Our exercise evaluation consists of three options: the exercise was easy / normal / difficult.   The testing can be divided into several stages. You can stop testing after finishing any game and come back to it at another time.    

5. Protection of personal data

Operator within the meaning of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws, we are:  WELLNEA s. r. o., r. with. p., ID: 44645643, registered office: Lichnerova 41, 903 01 Senec, Slovak Republic.  We process personal data on the basis of § 16 par. 2 letters k) Processing of special categories of personal data, within the meaning of Act  No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws, “The prohibition of processing special  categories of personal data does not apply if: processing is necessary for the purpose of archiving, for scientific purposes, for the purpose  of historical research or for statistical purposes according to this law, a special regulation or an international agreement , by which the  Slovak Republic is bound, which are adequate in view of the pursued goal, respect the essence of the right to the protection of personal  data and appropriate and specific measures established to ensure the basic rights and interests of the person concerned.”  We also process personal data based on the consent of the person concerned, who can revoke this consent at any time.  In our research project, we collect, by nature, sensitive data about the tested person: we observe his facial features in order to be able to  recognize signs of a possible disorder, diagnosis. When performing tasks via the iPad camera, the face of the test subject is sent to our  platform every two seconds. Intermediaries in the sense of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments  and additions to certain laws, the platform administrator is our partner in the project – the company Everlution s.r.o., which has an above standard personal data protection setting:  

data is protected according to the strict criteria required by GDPR as well as ISO27001  

the data is only located on servers within the EU  

data is located exclusively in AWS (Amazon Web Services), one of the most secure cloud solutions in the world  strong and modern cryptographic algorithms are used  

data is encrypted during transmission and in data storage.  

The purpose of collecting personal data is the possibility of screening for generational and other diseases, such as: dementia, Alzheimer’s,  disorders of memory, learning, concentration, speech and understanding, dysfunctions such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, autism  spectrum disorders, etc.  

For the purposes of our project, we do not need to know the personal data of the test subject, such as first and last name. All collected  data is anonymized and each subject is assigned a uniquely generated number. This number is entered into the process by you, the testing  institution. Therefore, we recommend that the testing institution (you) implement a system in which you wold be able to identify a specific  test subject (outside of the iPad provided by us), where you will have the first and last name assigned to the number of the subject you are  testing. You will receive the results from us a recommendation, a therapy plan, or correction plan for the tested person. You will receive the  results from us – a recommendation, a therapy plan, or correction plan, which will be addressed according to the number of the tested  person provided by you.  

After the evaluation, the photos obtained during the testing will be irretrievably deleted. The collected data of the tested subject is  processed only for the necessary period. The necessary time is the time required to collect information, test, evaluate the test subject and  provide the test results to the testing institution. No data subject to the GDPR from this project will be provided to any financial provider of  this project, or to any other third party.  

If you have more questions about this issue, please contact us. We will answer them as best we can. We care about mutual trust. 

6. What to do if a technical problem occurs?

We are testing the new application, so it will probably happen that there will be some error from time to time. In this case, contact us as soon  as possible so that we can remove the error and continue testing quickly.  

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.  

7. Face calibration

How to proceed if the tested person has an atypical face (e.g. paralysis or physiological damage to part of the face).  Before starting the testing, it is necessary to go through the so-called Calibration, when the position of the iPad is set so that it properly  captures the face of the tested person. During the calibration, the atypicality of the face is noted. when testing, this fact should be taken into  account in the results. We will keep a close eye on such situations and we will be grateful to you for timely notifications of such cases. 

8. Signing rights / providing consent for testing

If you are interested in testing a person who has been deprived of legal capacity, the law on his representation by a legal representative  applies.

9. Testing people with an already confirmed diagnosis/disorder

Such testing is important to us – it will provide us with data that we very much need to compare data in our research. We mark a tested  person with a confirmed diagnosis/disorder with a special code. You will receive details when you pick up the iPad, or please contact us.  

10. Testing of severely mentally handicapped people, people with severe visual and/or hearing disabilities

For these groups, we are preparing testing on devices in a different scale (interactive whiteboards). More details will be available later. We  will notify you when this type of testing is introduced. 


If you are interested to know more about this project, you can contact us

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